“Margarita With A Straw” by Shonali Bose and Nilesh Maniyar (2014)

Best movies seen in 2020

Margarita with a StrawGreat personages, dialogues and message
Excellent script, direction and images
Top gender content and minority presence

A movie that brings together personages with different physical disabilities, coming from antagonistic backgrounds and religions, and with sexualities diverging from the norm, in a true and poignant story
Extraordinary acting by Kalki Koechlin who can express so much and so clearly with her face and her body!

Rotten Tomatoes Critics 7,1
Metascore 6,3
Roger Ebert —
Rotten Tomatoes Audience 8,0
IMDB 7,2
Average critics 6,7
Average public 7,6

Cast: Kalki Koechlin, Revathi, Sayani Gupta
Directors: Shonali Bose, Nilesh Maniyar (co-director)
Writers: Shonali Bose, Atika Chohan
Music by Mikey McCleary
Cinematography by Anne Misawa
Film Editing by Monisha R Baldawa, Bob Brooks, Saksham Verma

“Margarita With A Straw” by Shonali Bose & Nilesh Maniyar (2014)

My Year’s Favorites (Aug. 2019-July 2020)

Margarita with a Straw
Great personages, dialogues and message
Excellent script, direction and images
Top gender content and minority presence

A movie that brings together personages with different physical disabilities, coming from antagonistic backgrounds and religions, and with sexualities diverging from the norm, in a true and poignant story
Extraordinary acting by Kalki Koechlin who can express so much and so clearly with her face and her body!

Rotten Tomatoes Critics 7,1
Metascore 6,3
Roger Ebert —
Rotten Tomatoes Audience 8,0
IMDB 7,2
Average critics 6,7
Average public 7,6

Cast: Kalki Koechlin, Revathi, Sayani Gupta
Directors: Shonali Bose, Nilesh Maniyar (co-director)
Writers: Shonali Bose, Atika Chohan
Music by Mikey McCleary
Cinematography by Anne Misawa
Film Editing by Monisha R Baldawa, Bob Brooks, Saksham Verma

“Margarita With A Straw” by Shonali Bose & Nilesh Maniyar (2014)

Teens & Sex / A Weekend Treat!

Margarita with a Straw
Great personages, dialogues and message
Excellent script, direction and images
Top gender content and minority presence

A movie that brings together personages with different physical disabilities, coming from antagonistic backgrounds and religions, and with sexualities diverging from the norm, in a true and poignant story
Extraordinary acting by Kalki Koechlin who can express so much and so clearly with her face and her body!

Rotten Tomatoes Critics 7,1
Metascore 6,3
Roger Ebert —
Rotten Tomatoes Audience 8,0
IMDB 7,2
Average critics 6,7
Average public 7,6

Cast: Kalki Koechlin, Revathi, Sayani Gupta
Directors: Shonali Bose, Nilesh Maniyar (co-director)
Writers: Shonali Bose, Atika Chohan
Music by Mikey McCleary
Cinematography by Anne Misawa
Film Editing by Monisha R Baldawa, Bob Brooks, Saksham Verma

“Appropriate Behavior” by Desiree Akhavan (2014)

first feature

Appropriate Behavior

What does ‘appropriate behavior’mean for someone who doesn’t fit anywhere?

Cast: Desiree Akhavan, Rebecca Henderson, Halley Feiffer, Scott Adsit, Anh Duong
Director: Desiree Akhavan
Screenplay: Desiree Akhavan
Music by Josephine Wiggs
Cinematography by Chris Teague
Film Editing by Sara Shaw